The architect and Urban Planner Frederico Paione, before starting the activities of IA in 1998, had the opportunity to collaborate, still as a student, with important architectural offices. In 1987, he interned in the Office of the architects Eolo Maia, Jô Vasconcelos and Sylvio De Podestá from Minas Gerais. There, he was able to experience the dedication and pleasure of architectural design, free of rules, from its conception to the elaboration of executive projects.

As a final internship, he collaborated with the CDC Arquitetos office where he had his first contact with large-scale projects. As a newly graduated architect, he collaborated with the CSB Arquitetos office, an expert coordinator and detail-oriented architect, where he collaborated with commercial projects in the retail area.

From 1990 onwards, he collaborates with Paulo Casé and Luiz Acioli Arquitetos Associados, where he had his first contact with projects in the Hotel and Corporate themes. Under his coordination the project for the CNC’s new headquarters in Brasília/DF was developed, a project that was the subject of a private tender won by the office in 1995. In these early years of professional practice, he also begins his first contact with urban projects under the Favela/Bairro program, where he could develop important projects in large slum areas.

1998 – 2002

INSITE Arquitetos began its activities in 1998, when the architects and urban planners Frederico Paione and Myrthes Oliveira Azevedo won their first public competition to develop the Bairrinho program, urbanization, and buildings for Tijuquinha community, located in the Itanhangá neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro.

The first 5 years of activity of the company were dedicated almost exclusively to urbanization projects in deprived areas in the city of Rio de Janeiro, through the programs Favela/Bairro, Bairrinho, and Morar Legal among others. In these initial years, the IA was able to elaborate more than 20 projects dedicated to the theme related to Urbanism.

IA can accumulate a large number of technical certificates, specialized in urban and building projects, which allow its continued participation in selective processes of contracting Public Works.

2003 – 2007

At the end of this step, the Architect and Urban Planner Myrthes Azevedo leaves the company to dedicate herself to a new and rich professional phase abroad.

In this new phase, the Architect and Urban Planner Marcela Fallavena, who recently graduated from FAU UFRJ, begins her career at the office. Presenting an early professional maturity, she quickly assumes great responsibilities in the development of the main projects of the office, coordinating the project team. From a promising start, she was invited to be part of the IA structure as an Associate Architect.

2008 – 2012

From this period, IA introduced BIM technology in its projects, which when demanded by the client sought to carry out a wide work in the interaction with the other complementary disciplines, quality, and real estate projects could be highlighted by Siduscon-SP as cases of success.

In this period, IA went deep into the real estate market and feasibility studies for several neighborhoods of the city and other states, thus qualifying its team in the understanding of current legislation and its updates, delivering in the shortest possible time, the necessary numbers and the guideline for a good architectural project.

2013 – 2017

From 2013, IA inaugurates its own headquarters located in the center of Rio de Janeiro city, where it has a large space and able to form large multidisciplinary teams for the development of the most diverse projects and architectural themes, at the most varied scales.

It was in this period that IA had the possibility to tropicalize two important international projects – Casa Atlântica, with the London office Zaha Hadid Architects and the Hotel Emiliano Rio, with Oppenheim Architecture, both on Copacabana coastline.

During this period, IA was also able to dedicate itself to important retrofit projects, consolidating 2 important works in this area – Humaitá Corporate, in Largo do IBAM, and Ipanema Corporate, in Rua Farme de Amoedo.

Throughout its history, AI owes the opportunity to participate in several architecture contests, highlighting the award in first place with honors for the Morar Carioca program, created by the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro, a contest of national scope where renowned Brazilian architectural firms could be awarded, and Insite can be hired to develop the project for the Vila São Jorge community.

20 years

Currently, IA signs several projects in the city of Rio de Janeiro and other states of Brazil and accumulates experience of more than 20 years of uninterrupted activity in the elaboration, coordination, and compatibility of projects in the residential, commercial, and shopping center area.

Currently, the office is directed by the architects and urban planners Frederico Paione, who takes care of the area of design and General Coordination of projects, and Marcela Fallavena, who takes care of the Coordination of the team of architects and trainees, and has a physical space of 200 m2 that allows the organization of multiple work teams.

Looking to the future, IA believes in the concepts of total architecture and good relationship with its Clients, seeking to deliver a quality project with quality architectural design in the established time and with the premises determined by the client.

IA’s vocation and principles are to train professionals, combining academic training with professional practice. We seek to create a refined, dedicated, competent team, forming a true team of professionals dedicated to customer requirements.

IA thanks all architects, students, and employees who for some time devoted their time to the demands of the office.

IA over these 20 years has sought to fulfill the dreams of its most varied Clients, delivering a highly qualified and detailed project.

We are available to meet and share with our Clients new experiences and create a collaborative process of work.


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Adilson Luiz Amaral Junior

Alessandra de Oliveira Costa

Alexander de Castro Sirotheau

Alexandra Rebello Câmara

Ana Beatriz de Carvalho Silva

Ana Carolina Bettencourt Leça

Ana Carolina Miranda Puerari

Ana Carolina Silva Maciel

Ana Helena S. Salgado

Ana Lucia de Lima Verginio

Ana Luiza Ferreira Sorgine

Ana Terra Venzon

Andrea Tibau

André Luis da Silva Gomes


Bernardo da Silva Vieira

Bianca Maria Casale

Brenno Ferreira Prado

Bruna Magalhães Martins

Bruno D’Acri

Bruno Lima Freire

Bruno Pereira Cornélio Silva


Caio Bastos Dettmar Milagres

Camila Oliveira

Camila de Menezes Reis

Carlos Rodrigo Avilez Bezerra da Silva

Cassia de Souza Mota

Cezar Marco Correia Barros

Cláudia Augusta

Cláudia Pires Gaspar

Cristina Augusto Pinto

César Motohiro Ujihara

Cíntia Magalhães Rangel

Cíntia de Carvalho Couto


Daniel Alvim de Moura

Daniel Meza


Eduardo Dezouzart Teixeira Pinto

Eduardo Soares de Oliveira

Elano Gonçalves Ramos

Erica de Lima Matos Nunes

Erika Sampaio Ribeiro


Fernanda Pessanha Farias

Fernanda Silva Fortes

Filipe Jacopucci dos Reis

Flávia Pereira Monteiro

Francielle Dalsasso

Francine Menezes Vignoli

Fábio Athayde Gonçalves


Gisele Carvalho Araújo Silva

Gustavo Soares Novaes


Hyama de Sousa Silveira


Iara Salles Barbosa

Isabela de Souza Furtado

Izabela Martins


Jean Carlo Pereira

Jessé Antônio F. Junior

José Arcos

Jovismar Assumpção Peixoto

João Marcos dos Santos Lima

João Pedro Vaz de Castro Seixas

Juan Pablo Diaz Vio

Juliana Fiuza Silva

Juliana Kreitlon Pereira


Karina Condeixa

Kelly Maria Lima Pereira


Lara Liberatto

Larissa Suguri

Leandro Menezes de Oliveira

Leila Ferreira dos Santos

Leonardo Gielow Ferro

Leonardo Lopes

Leonardo Name

Leonardo Vazquez Miranda

Letícia Meira

Lina Corrêa Motta

Lindomar Azeredo

Luan Vinicius Julião das Virgens

Luciane Assumpção Peixoto

Lucília Vieira

Luiza Farias Teixeira Pinto


Maciel Zanette Torres

Marcelo Maia Garcia

Marcus Eccard

Maria Laura Ramos Rosembusch

Maria da Gloria de Sousa

Mariana Mayer Tostes

Maíra Machado Martins

Melissa Barcelos Paim

Monique Miguelete

Mônica da Silva Lima Colmonero


Natasha Henrique Pinto

Nathalia Arica

Newton Silva da Costa


Pamela Admiral Iavorka

Pedro José de Castro Pereira

Pedro Paulo Carrieres Rato

Polyana de Marchi

Priscila Coli Rocha

Priscila Cordeiro Miranda

Pâmela Pozes da Silva Lima


Rachel Nóbrega Salles

Rafael de Oliveira Carvalho

Rafaela Alves Felício

Raquel Lacerda

Raquel Vieira Rabelo da Cunha

Ravísia Silva de Avelar Neves

Renan Brunoro Zigoni

Reyel Elias de Menezes Vaz

Ricardo Vibranovski

Roberto Campelo

Rodrigo Abbade Pinto de Oliveira

Rodrigo Fabian Escobar Castro

Rodrigo Nunes de Araújo

Rodrigo Van Enck Centini

Roque de Araújo Santos Junior


Sara Margarida Oeiras Vargues

Shalom de Paula Seguins Sousa

Sonia Lopes

Sophia Ferreira de Castro Costa

Sylvio Augusto Wolf


Teo de Souza

Thais Cardoso

Tuana Morgado


Vanessa Mero Pinheiro

Vitor Pereira


Wagner Maurício Pereira

Watson Tavares

Acreditamos que pelo DESIGN podemos solucionar questões COMPLEXAS, que melhoram o desenvolvimento da CIDADE


INSITE Arquitetos’ own headquarters is located in the center of Rio de Janeiro city, facing one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world.

With 200m² of useful area, it has work and meeting environments, as well as a structure of equipment and software that allow maximum efficiency for the development of projects.

INSITE Arquitetos incorporates productivity and excellence in the quality and development of its projects, through an organizational system that involves the experience of its Associated Architects and the support of a team of partners and collaborators formed by qualified professionals.


IA is qualified to develop all the stages involved in the architectural design, from feasibility studies, legal approvals, and executive details, as well as coordinating and making compatible the other complementary disciplines involved.

For this purpose, we have the most varied digital and physical resources that allow for greater interaction and involvement of our Clients with architectural practice, such as volumetric studies and virtual construction of buildings with 3D software, as well as physical models.


With the advances and technological innovations of project tools, IA has adopted the BIM platform as a development tool in some of its projects. BIM enables the digital creation of accurate virtual models of a building, containing all the information inherent to the building. The models support the project throughout its phases, allowing better analysis and control of processes. When completed, the models contain precise geometry and data necessary to support the construction, manufacturing, and procurement activities through which construction is carried out.

The office has a team consolidated in the use of the BIM platform, and an external network of complementary BIM designers, who make full use of the technology possible.

Nós trazemos uma perspectiva GLOBAL para assuntos de importância LOCAL, com o objetivo de ATUALIZAR ambientes.